Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Lessons Hard Learned

What is God trying to teach me that I still haven't gotten after 12 years?  For twelve years, almost every night, I kiss my kids goodnight, I hug them, trying to leave them with pleasant thoughts for their sleep, and for 12 years, they always find some excuse to come back downstairs and interrupt my nighttime routine.

What deep philosophical question can they ask me that will take twenty minutes to an hour to answer?
How can they annoy each other to the point that one hurts the other and they need my arbitration?
What can they break, forget, or remember that will require another hour of my time so that I might finally get to bed by one o'clock in the morning?

Can't they ever have these issues in the morning?

So, again I ask, what is it that God wants to teach me that I haven't learned 12 years later?  I wish he would just write it down for me so I could master it and move on to the next lesson.
See, one thing I know about myself is that I'm a really quick learner.  That was great in school, because I could rush through a lesson and then get on with my own agenda.  Even when I ran into a concept that I didn't understand, I did my best to fake it until the subject was over, and I could move on to something that I understood.  I was always really good at doing this.

In this case, though, I guess God isn't letting me fake this one, and if I had to guess, I would imagine that I could pinpoint at least part of this lesson.  First, this lesson has something to do with learning that it's not all about me, and I may never get to go to bed at a decent hour.  Who knew?  I might have to sacrifice my personal comfort as a Christian.

And secondly, I guess this lesson could also have something to do with gratitude; gratitude that says I would rather be kept up at night because I had too many kids who needed me than to go to sleep undisturbed every night because I had none.

Not everyone has kids, but everyone has a blessing that brings with it its own headaches.  What ease would I trade for my blessings?  Not one.

Realizing this, I just have to remember.

God is good, and He loves me.  And for now, that's the best lesson I can learn.