Wednesday, September 14, 2011


So, let's talk about injustice.  I am a very noble person, I'll have you know.  I decided ages ago that Jesus did not want me to stand up for myself, so I would willingly and easily throw myself on the pyre of self-sacrifice in order to assure that none were turned away from Christ by my sinfulness.  You think that I jest, or am in some way snarky or resentful.  You would think wrongly.  I actually did make this decision, minus the nobility, and I stand by it.  Not, as the atheist, agnostic, or feminist out there would infer, because Christianity whips its subjects into submission.  No, I found that I am one of the most proud creatures on the planet, and in order to subvert my self-promoting desires, I have subjected by desires to constant discretion.  If I can't rationally support my desire, specifically from Scripture, then I tend to deny it.  This only comes into play with my pet sins, the ones I know are there and can't control easily: pride, for example.
I know; I'm digging myself a hole with the atheists, making myself sound like a self-deprecating self-hater.  You're wrong, of course, and most people struggle with varying degrees of this dichotomy.  Love myself/love others.  I admit it, because I start with the premise that all men are sinful.  You don't, because you start with the premise that all men are either neutral or good.  Fine.  We disagree.
Let's get back to the subject at hand.
It's all well and good to talk about suffering injustice for myself, but let me ask you: is it right and good to let another suffer injustice?  What if it's your job to teach that person about real life?  What if you know that life will bring injustice, because the world is sinful and human beings are in charge?  Do you just tell them to bend over and take it up the tailpipe?  Because, sometimes it feels like that.
Of course, I tell myself that God provides solace for us when we don't receive justice on earth, and I have seen it happen first hand.  I believe that God will provide solace and justice for those around me, though justice may take way longer than we want to wait.
So, I guess the reality is, I don't know when it's ever right to stand up for the weak.  If I do, am I taking the place of God in His role as bringer of justice and comfort?  Am I teaching those who look to me for wisdom that they must look to man for what only God can bring?  Am I really just standing up for them selfishly because of the pain I feel at their treatment?
Life is tough for everyone.  Life as a Christian is in some ways way tougher.  Fortunately, when the mean people say ugly things to us, we have the best Daddy in the world in whose arms we can always find refuge.  If I flub everything else, I hope I can at least teach them this truth.